Why do we Need IP Surveillance in Industries And Bank Surveillance System

The IP surveillance cameras make use of internet protocols or IP for the transmission of video or images which are captured by a camera or network of cameras through the internet. Then, the data is received at a remote location or it may be accessed from any computer with the requisite credentials for gaining access to the system. This helps the data that is captured to be viewed easily, saved and copied through different computer programs, thereby preventing the need for troublesome video equipment and extensive surveillance tapes. How Are IP Surveillance Cameras Used? The IP surveillance cameras use internet networks for making the images accessible easily to different locations with different levels of security. IP implies any kind of system which uses the internet for transmitting data across great distances in lieu of (or in addition to) a DVR . In the IP surveillance system, one or many cameras may be set up, with the captured images accessed or accessed in many ways. Many syste...